“It is amazing what people can do, and that they are not aware they can do. ”
Milton H. Erickson, Hypnotist
Our Story
Hypnosis is a name for different ways of getting into a state of mind where you are incredibly focused. It can be used for mind training, pain relief, coaching, therapy and entertainment. When we started working with hypnosis we saw a need for a space where anybody and everybody interested in this can meet and change experiences. Where there is a code of ethics. Where you can get advice as a budding hypnotist, a seasoned professional or if you have second thoughts about a hypnotist.
"Mind governs the world"
Annie De Montford, Hypnotist
"There is no such thing as a hypnotist."
Dave Elman, Hypnotist
Every member of this guild vows to behave in an ethical manner at all times, be it within or outside the context of our work. Our aim is to enhance every persons confidence in every aspect and profession involving hypnosis in every possible and responsible way. Hypnosis is a powerful, meaningful, incredible and simple tool with incredible potential – we want to make sure people understand this!
All practising members of IHG vow to this code
1. Client Welfare
The welfare of our client and/or audience is our primary concern at all times. This includes being informed about your clients medical status. This includes having the right insurance, that covers our liabilities against our clients. Most of all, this includes never delaying or advising our client in medical areas outside our expertise.
2. Confidentiality
Confidentiality is maintained in all circumstances unless there is risk for the welfare of a child, or a third party. In most countries this is regulated by law. We vow to know what this means for us and our clients.
3. Services
A member of IHG will only offer services in areas in which this member is confident and competent. We will refer onwards when appropriate. We make no claims to services we can not guarantee to provide.
4. Skills and Certifications
We acknowledge that knowledge is acquired through training and skills through dedication, devotion and practice. Certification can be a way to measure skills, but is by no means a guarantee. If in doubt about a skill or certification, contact us. Any certificate we claim to have shall be physically possible to verify with the source at all times.
We therefore vow to
* Make sure we are clear about our skills and certifications when asked.
* Help spot and report misuse.
* Share our experiences and tools.
* Constantly monitor research and developments in the field of Hypnotherapy and other linked fields with an open mind.
* Always have the appropriate insurance for our work, for the sake of our client.
5. Efficiency
We will terminate our services at the earliest time, in the interest of our clients.
6. Respect For The Individual
We will always respect every individuals spiritual values and belief systems. We will only deal with clients under the age of 18 yrs or people with special needs, after obtaining informed consent of both parents or a legal guardian – following local laws of each territory.
7. Questions About A Practitioner
If you have enlisted the services of hypnosis and want to discuss an issue or ask freely about anything regarding this – please contact us – It does not matter if the hypnotist is a member here or not. We are here to serve, because your best interest is ours.